Lensflare is back on air again! Literally!
I’ve been off for a while, thanks to a new job keeping me busy and no internet connection to post with, but I survived and here is the first of a few posts that I’ve had ready to go!
A very good friend of mine bought me a joy-flight for my 21st birthday this year (and I want to say thank-you so much to that person, who I hope reads this! It was an experience I wont forget!)
I’m not going to claim this trip was all about the photos, because it definitely wasn’t! This became obvious after I landed and realised I had forgotten to take my camera off the settings I had used for some night time photos you will see here very soon! But despite that I got some unique shots that I’m probably not going to get another go at taking anytime soon!
My wings! Kind of like a big (comparatively) bird with metal wings and a motor…
Now where is the big red one??
After take-off, it all got very peaceful. I think I know now why people do this…
Warragamba Dam. Where all of Sydney gets its water. Seems very small from up here.. until the pilot said he would help me get a clear photo of it, and tilted the plane sideways!
I took these ones after the pilot let me fly for a while…. brave bloke!
One of my favourite shots, the blue mist is a tell-tale sign of a certain nearby mountain range… Wish I had more time floating around over this part of the world.
One last photo, back on terra-firma. I find something about the mix of angles and tones quite interesting.
Check back on Lensflare soon, because I’ve been busy!