I was going to bring you this coverage last night, but normal transmissions were interrupted by some special programming on the sky channel.  I’m being a little cryptic but you will see what I mean by this soon enough.

Below is my coverage of the the 2012 Sculptures by the Sea event in Bondi.  By now I’m sure you will have seen many pictures of the event, and my coverage is far from complete, I was only able to spend an hour at the main part of the display. But I will say this, I was humbled by just how special it felt to be in this part of the world before, during and shortly after dawn.
As a photographer and also working in the building industry, I am no stranger to early starts or dawn photo shoots, but there is something about Bondi that seems special at this time.  It’s easy to see how local photographers like my hero Uge ‘Aquabumps’ Tan or the Frothers crew, get such stunning shots here on a daily basis.

The place is buzzing at 5:30am with joggers, photographers, dog walkers, surfers, eccentric locals, tourists and even the odd 70+ year old, lycra clad wrestler (no, seriously).  An absolute melting pot.  
Anyhow, you didn’t come here to read my waffle about an eastern suburbs beach.  Here are the photos!