In case it wasn’t already obvious- I love taking photos! My archive is slowly expanding and every now and again I like to dig through it and see what I find!
Some of these shots go back nearly a year, but haven’t seen the light of day because they didn’t fit in with any of my other work. Some are from shoots you have already seen work from, others are just “practice” shots that I took to try a new technique or to sharpen my skills!
The first few shots would fall into the “practice” category!
The above shot is an attempt at “light painting” something i tried when i was first starting out but had’nt really re-visited since! I am planning a big shoot with this soon!
Next up are a few coastal shots:
I love the tones in this shot- all greens, blues and whites, with a hint of black for contrast. Moments afer this shot and massive storm hit and I was soaked to the skin!
One of my own shots from a good friend’s fashion shoot a while back.
This panorama, taken on ‘Turtle Island’ near Forster, spans almost 360 degrees- the distortion makes it look like bay, when in fact this is a point! Unfortunately the blog won’t allow me to show this in full size, but the file is huge- you can zoom right onto the city buildings on the horizon! More of these over summer I think!
My final few shots are more recent, taken around Surry Hills:
-Running on Air!
I’m hoping you can see my ‘cleaner’, more natural style of photo starting to show!
Summertime means more epic sunrises, sunsets, crystal water and great shooting in the magical ‘golden hour’.
More soon!