My photographic attack of this year’s Vivid Festival was punctuated by the Sydney’s usual winter weather antics- rain, wind and even thick fog. Despite all this, Sydney has well and truly embraced the festival of light and colour. I first attended this event 4 years ago and I have watched it grow, to the massive spectacle it has become. The final weekend attracted crowds that the City of Sydney Council say were only bettered by New Years Eve!
My goal this year with my photography of the event was not to capture every single sculpture, and while this may sound odd- not even to capture angles that were vastly different to those that everyone else was taking. Instead I wanted to simply slow down and enjoy the event from behind my camera and refine my images to really present you, my readers and viewers with my own style. This is something that I was able to enjoy in the company of many new friends this year, so I would also like to thank everyone who spent any time in the frequently inclement weather! Taking photographs with others always opens my eyes to new perspectives and always adds to the experience. So here goes…